My Productivity Tips

I hope everyone had a happy New Year! Since it’s the time of year for fresh starts and new beginnings, I figured I’d share my top tips for staying productive. I know a LOT of us are still working from home as well, so we might as well WFH like a boss! This time of year I also like to stalk up on cute office binders, a new calendar, and organizational items that keep me motivated. Don’t underestimate the power of a chic new planner!! And… you can never have too many pens, am I right?


I like to make a list of THREE items that must get done each day. When your head hits the pillow at the end of the day, what would you regret most if it was not completed? Prioritize those three items instead of getting caught up or distracted by all of the other things grabbing at your attention


Knock out similar types of tasks at once instead of bouncing around from task to task. For example, set aside time for emails and work on responding to all emails during that time. The idea is that we are more productive and less distracted when we aren’t multitasking and forcing our brain to switch gears between each task.


If possible, schedule your day around times when you feel the most focused, productive, creative, etc. Knock out your most difficult tasks when you have lots of energy and feel laser focused - save the mundane tasks for when you have lower energy. We could all use a break or two so if you hit a wall, go for a walk or take some time to yourself.


This one is obvious but don’t have the TV on while you’re working and put your phone aside! Use airplane mode if you have to and build in rewards for yourself with social media, TV, or whatever motivates you. For example, if you work for an hour straight, you get to grab a snack and check social media. If you knock out all your big tasks for that day, you get to watch TV in the evening. These are just ideas, but you can do whatever works for you!

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LifestyleKathleen Post