My Current Supplements Routine


Let’s talk about SUPPS baby! This is something I often get asked about so I wanted to share all in one place! I’ve been seeing a functional medicine doctor for the past 2 years and there are a few supplements that she has recommended to me for some specific issues that she’s found based off my blood work… I won’t get into all of that, but these are more general supplements that I think everyone could benefit from. I of course want to give the disclaimer that I am not a doctor (if you didn’t already know that lol) and you should always consult with your doctor before trying out new supplements, medicines, vitamins, etc. View this more as a thought starter and less of a guide book. Maybe after reading this blog post you might decide to try out a multivitamin or a probiotic but this is not me telling you that these are the exact things you need to do. Hope that makes sense! Nothing is one size fits all, but I do think that in general, most of us don’t get everything we need from our Standard American Diet and my personal belief is that the right supplements can help to fill in those gaps while still striving for a *healthy* diet. Last thing I wanted to note is that I have worked with SOME of these brands in the past and a couple I’m currently working with. Opinions are always my own and no one is paying me to say anything here. The reason I’m including these brands in this list is because I truly use them and love them! Okay lets get into it….

ATHLETIC GREENS - I’ve shared about AG1 a ton over on my IG but this is the greens powder that I mix with water and drink every morning. It’s packed with SO much good stuff - 75 vitamins, minerals, and whole-food sourced nutrients in one daily serving. It supports everything from immunity, energy, recovery, gut health, hair, skin, nails, digestion, metabolism, mood and more! I’ve been drinking this for a while now and now Cort is on the bandwagon as well. The # 1 Q I get asked is about the tastes. Have you ever had a green juice packed with veggies? That’s kind of what it tastes like. It’s not like this super sweet sugary drink (it has less than one gram of natural sugar.. no sugar added) but it tastes like a healthy, green juice with just a touch of sweetness (like a little apple or pineapple). That’s how I’d describe it. The first time I drank it I was kind of like eh. But you get used to it and now I just chug it. Ice cubes help IMO. This IS one of the brands that I work with so I have a link for you guys that will get you 5 free travel packs + a year supply of their Vitamin D. Although I work with this brand, they’re not paying me to say any of this in this newsletter and all opinions are my own! I wouldn’t be sharing them if I didn’t truly love the product and believe in it!

MULTIVITAMIN - Since I’ve started sharing AG1, one of the questions you guys always ask is if I’m still taking my multivitamin and the answer is pretty much no. AG1 serves as my “multivitamin” when I drink it. There are some days where I forget to drink my AG1, or maybe I’m just too busy, so at the end of the day I’ll take a multivitamin pill instead. In these instances, I’ll take Ritual Essential for Women. This is the multivitamin that I had been taking for 2 years before starting on Athletic Greens and one that I still highly recommend (especially if you don’t want to drink your vitamins and you’d rather take it in the pill form). I like Ritual because they have a delayed-release capsule designed to be easy on the stomach mint and lemon tabs keep it fresh so you don’t get a fishy aftertaste. Also, this product was approved by my functional medicine doc and she’s very picky about ingredients. I do have a code for Ritual if you’d like to try! POST10 will get you 10% off your first 3 months. (PS -I do not currently work with Ritual and I don’t gain anything from you using my code… not like that would make a difference, but I just wanted to share).

PROBIOTIC - There are SO many benefits to taking a probiotic and I’ve noticed some major changes since I’ve incorporated them into my daily routine. I’ve had some really big gut issues which is why I started seeing a functional medicine doctor in the first place. I’ve had years and years of taking antibiotics from ear infections as a kid, to acne as a teen, and then UTIs as an adult. All of these antibiotics have wreaked havoc on my gut but even if this wasn’t the case, I think everyone should probably take a probiotic! There are a couple that I like and have tried over the years but I’m currently taking Ritual’s Synbiotic+ which is a 3-in-1 clinically-studied prebiotic, probiotic and postbiotic to support a balanced gut microbiome. Again, you can use code Post10 for 10% off your first three months!

NO DAYS WASTED DHM DETOX - Okay this one might be placebo but I REALLY think it works!!! I have really cut back on drinking but when I do drink, it doesn’t take much for me to feel hungover! Seriously 2 drinks and I can feel super groggy, headachey, and tired the next day. Welcome to my 30’s right!? This supplement can help you bread down the toxins that build up in your body when you drink alcohol. I really feel like I notice a difference when I take this vs when I don’t. I just take it right before bed after having a couple drinks and I wake up less groggy! As always, drink responsibly!!!!!

NUTRAFOL - After doing my hair tutorial the other day, I had a bunch of questions asking if I take any supplements for my hair. While I do think that AG1/ a multivitamin has definitely helped my hair health, I’m not currently taking anything specifically for hair *yet*. I recently ordered Nutrafol after hearing a few girls rave about it on a trip last month- They had the best things to say and I’m super excited to try it out! My hair is already long and thick, but I do lose a lot of hair and well, it can always be healthier! I’ll definitely report back on what I think!!!

ARRAE BLOAT PILLS - OMG I am obsessed with these!!! I heard about them on a few different podcasts and decided to give them a try! I will say, I used to get TERRIBLE bloat, but it’s gotten a lot better as I’ve worked on my gut health with the aforementioned supplements and trying to reduce gluten intake… but occasionally the bloat strikes and it’s SO uncomfortable. It could be from something I ate, or stress, or due to my period, but bloat is seriously the worst! These pills are NOT a laxative at all and they don’t make me run to the bathroom! It’s an all-natural, clinically-tested product that works in under an hour to eliminate belly bloat, soothe abdominal discomfort, and optimize digestion. Basically it speeds up food-breakdown and eliminates excess gas buildup. I don’t take these every day, but just as needed! If I ate a really heavy meal right before bed, I’ll take a couple capsules before falling asleep or if I wake up feeling really bloated, I’ll take a couple. This is not a bandaid for poor diet and it doesn’t erase a bad meal, but it does help with digestion and I really notice a difference!

PIQUE MATCHA - Okay this one isn’t necessarily a supplement but it does have health benefits so I thought I’d include it in this roundup! If you’re new to matcha, I will preface this by saying that it’s kind of an acquired taste. The first time I drank it last winter, I 100% thought it tasted like grass and swore it off for good! Then I played around with it and realized that I needed to add some oat milk, a little bit of maple syrup, some cinnamon and I was good to go! The more I drink matcha, the less sweetener I need and I actually like the less sweet, earthy taste. Okay on to the benefits… matcha is great source of energy that is (in my opinion) more calm and sustained without a crash that coffee can bring. It has catechins that can help curb sugar and hunger cravings, chlorophyll that supports skin clarity, and L-theanine promotes calm and balance. Not all matcha is created equal!! I love Pique tea- it’s 100% organic, ceremonial-grade and quadruple toxin screened! Code KATHLEEN gets you 5% off!

PIQUE BT FOUNTAIN BEAUTY ELECTROLYTE - I don’t take this every day but I honestly should! Think of this as skincare from the inside out. This electrolyte drink enhances and boosts internal moisture production and has been clinically proven to reduce fine lines and increase skin elasticity, and moisture content. It hydrates skin at a cellular level to support a more youthful, dewy glow. It also tastes AMAZING but has no added sugar. Great for a little afternoon pick me up when I need some mid-day hydration. Code KATHLEEN gets you 5% off!

Cymbiotika Magnesium L-Threonate - Cort and I have been taking this for about a month now and we both love it! Actually, Cort ordered it for himself originally, but after he suggested that I try it too, I was immediately hooked. There are so many benefits to taking magnesium, but what I’ve specifically noticed is better sleep, more calm mood, and less brain fog. I take it before bed, and I really notice a difference when I don’t take it. It comes in a little pouch that you squeeze into your mouth, and truthfully, it doesn’t taste the best. But it’s a small amount and I just wash it down with water!

Agent Nateur Collagen - For the past couple months I’ve been mixing this collagen into my AG1 drink or coffee in the mornings. When I shared this on stories about a month ago, I had so many of you tell me that you love this collagen! It’s completely flavorless and it also has 7.7 grams of protein… which might not seem like a lot, but every bit counts!! This collagen powder helps with dehydrated skin, hair shedding, fine lines and wrinkles, fragile hair, and so much more! I’ve tried a handful of collagens over the years and I’ve found that they either taste terrible, or they have tons of additives and artificial flavors. I love that this one is completely clean and flavorless. I always get asked about supplements I take for hair growth and I will be the first to say that hair health is attributed to many factors… but I did want to update you guys that I’ve been taking this and really like it! I just got my hair cut on Friday and my hair dresser said that she thinks this is the healthiest my hair has ever been.  Is it the collagen?! Not 100% sure, but I have been liking it and it sounds like a lot of you like this one as well!!